Friday, December 26, 2008
Vacation Hightlight
Well, actually I did not do anything much. Apart from doing all those homework, I also had to practised the piano in preparation for my piano exam and I also try out some tycoon games although some are really not that fun. What I spent most of my time doing was shopping as it was really bored staying at home. There was not any CCA trainings for me surprisingly.
BUt, yes I did something meaningful apart from doing my homework...
I reflect about my secondary two's life and the year 2008. I wish I could remember my life, each and everyday but anyway, I learnt much from the reflection. Perhaps that's the meaning of a holiday? You just get to rest after so much. So I believe that holiday is such a golden opportunity for you to reflect, so that you will not repeat your mistakes again.
I learnt that you will remain what you are now if you do not change. But you will only change when you are forced by circumstances to change, until you can stand it no more. Ultimately, if you really want to improve yourself, it is all up to you.
I also learnt to accept the past and accept myself because the past is still the past and what we have got are the present and future. I should treasure the past as I can learn something from it.
Lastly, I realised that failures can make you more mature because you will realise what are the things that are deterring you from success and then learn from your experiences. Experiences, to me, are just like a bag of failures. You will actually grow and improve after each experience.
Well, time flies... It is just a few more days to the year 2009. I think we should live as if you will die tomorrow and learn as if you will live forever. That way, we will really cherish our time.
Blaise Pascal:
In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Conceptions Of Success (Part 2)- My Father
My father is 51 years old now and he had lived his childhood in Malaysia, Penang. To start with, my grandfather was a wealthy businessman who inherited his wealth from his father. Unfortunately, when my father was merely six, he turned bankrupt due to failures in his business and gambling. My grandfather then passed away few years later.
My father, the eldest son, had to support his 5 sisters and a brother. Because of this, he went to Singapore to work for a living. He was like my age at that time.
He only had completed his primary education and was not proficient in English. Hence, he had worked as a cleaner, salesman and actor. He took up a few jobs and had to send the money he had earned home. Though his jobs were tough, he persevered and occasionally, he would take up some English courses.
After some times, he set up his own business, selling clothes and earned heaps of money. But his business failed after a few years. But he did not give up.
Despite all odds, he later obtained a diploma in business administration to become a Singapore PR. He was later offered a job as a manager in a company where he spent two decades there and was later fired due to his commitments in setting his own business and in his family. He is extremely filial to his mother and takes great care of his sibling, even until now. He also cares much about us.
His small business, selling lens is later set up and he had hence achieved his dream and now working his way to expanding it. The rest of the journey will be tough, just like now where we are facing economic crisis.
But I am sure he will succeed one day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Conceptions Of Success- Leonardo da Vinci (Part 1)
But to me, achieving a small goal like getting a record of zero demerit point does not really considered a success as it is no great feat. It would be considered as success if I achieved something that required a lot out of of me like courage, confident, strength, conviction and overcoming obstacles. In short, achieving a goal which is not as easy is success to me.
There are many peoples who are recognised as successful around the world. But one person whom I greatly admired is the greatest genius of all time. He is Leonardo da Vinci, born in the year, 1452, April 15. He was a Florentine polymath, who was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, achitect, botanist, musician and writer.
From Wikipedia:
Leonardo greatly advanced the state of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics, and even outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. His inventions included several complex systems which were centuries beyond the technological capabilities of the Renaissance.[nb 3] Examples include the helicopter, the tank, concentrated solar power, the calculator and the double hull. Some of his simpler inventions, such as an automated bobbin winder and a machine for testing the tensile strength of wire, entered the world of manufacturing unheralded.[nb 4]
He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived,[2] Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the "Renaissance man", a man whose seemingly infinite curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention.[1]
Leonardo da vinci is an inspiration to me. I was inspired to learn the art of science and science of art. He taught me that being well-versed in all areas, being perfect was possible, which also means that anything can be possible. Once you have passion for something, set your mind on it and focus, you will achieve it.
Something to reflect about:
Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.
Leonardo Da Vinci, Notebooks (1452-1519)
Intellectual passion dries out sensuality.
Leonardo da Vinci
Supreme happiness will be the greatest cause of misery, and the perfection of wisdom, the occassion of folly.
Leonardo da Vinci, The notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci by Macurdy
Monday, October 27, 2008
Scholarship And Service
But What is a Scholarship?
According to the Wikipedia: A scholarship is an award of access to an institution, or a financial aid award for an individual student scholar, for the purpose of furthering their education. Scholarships are awarded based on a range of criteria which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarships may be classified into the following primary groups: Merit, Need, Sociology, Insititutional and General.
The meaning of a scholarship to me
Scholarship. Isn't it an award given to you upon recognition? But is there any deeper meaning behind it? Well, I am not going to take it for granted. Scholarships are given for a reason: because you had performed well. But it is not just that. They are given to you because trust are also in placed in you. They trusted you that you will contribute to society in a beneficial way.
To me, scholarship is like a bottle of mystery. But it is no ordinary bottle. He is a supportive friend, supporting me all the way behind my back. He is a bottle, containing trusts, appreciations and beliefs from many peoples which replenishes me with motivation, confidence and strength everyday, preparing me so adequately so that I can bring out the best within me.
Because of these trusts and beliefs that are still in placed in me, therefore I will achieve even greater things but I will never forget my friend, the scholarship and I will repay you by contributing to society as a means of expressing my gratitude of the the trusts and beliefs that people had for me.
Well, this is roughly what I think scholarship means to me.
Responsibility of a scholar
Everything will come with some responsibility. Well, the responsibility of a scholar is to study hard and to never let yourself down. Besides this, scholars must also be an law-abiding citizen and hopefully will voluntarily contribute and serve his/her own country in some ways. After all, the country had helped you into getting a scholarship to further your education.
Most importantly, a scholar must never forget the values like humility, integrity, respect, gratitude or responsibility. Having obtained a scholarship does not mean you are superior, but you are just merely given a golden opportunities to develop your potential and to pursue your ideal career without much worries. So, be humble and remember to repay the country and your parents for they are the ones who had nurture you into what you are today.
Obstacles that I think I might face as a scholar.
Well, studying in a local university does not poses much problem but it is studying overseas that caused many to worry about.
Adapting to another country is one problem. We have to respect their traditions and values and also to be familiar with the laws there. Of course, we need to know their languages so as to communicate with them and to let yourself be understood. It also means that we must break the habit of using Singlish in foreign countries!
What about homesickness? When we are so far away from our families and countries, we would occassionally feel sad and melancholic. But we also can communicate with our loved ones over the phone, through emails or instant messenges. And, homesickness can be turned into a motivation to study hard!
Being independent. I assumed that many people like me, really depends on our parent as we do not do houseworks or neither do we have to work for pocket money. We seemingly take everything for granted. But it would be different without them. We would have to look after ourselves and have our clothes, dishes washed and we even have to work part-time to get extra pocket money if we do not have enough money to buy things we needed. Hmm... maybe I should help my mother with the housework?
Coping with stress? We have to manage our homeworks, houseworks or part-time jobs, assignments, projects, exams and co-curriculum activities and competition. So, I should develop better time management now!
A Scholar, also a leader.Is a scholar also a leader? Actually, I believe that everyone is a leader as we surely will have some influence over others or our peers, in a good or bad way. But being a scholar will put you into a position of having more opportunities to execute leaderships because scholars are highly educated and recognised. So they are wise and respected and will have greater influence over others.
Who and How do I intend to serve as a scholar?
I intend to help my country by donating a portion of my money to charity or serve as a voluntary helper for the needy people. Also, I wanted to contribute to my country by working hard in my job so as to further develop my country. I will also fulfil my responisbilites and role as a loyal citizen.
Friday, October 24, 2008
MBTI Test- My Explanation And Views (Part 2)
My Explanation:
Extraverted (E) 50% V.S Introverted (I)50%
I could be considered as both extraverted and introverted person because I prefer to brainstorm or think in an introverted way and I will prefer to communicate with enthusiasm. I also like to make new friends though sometimes I really cannot. It is possible for me to revert from being introverted to extraverted or vice versa whenever I wanted to. Personality and character can change through experiences. I hope the it would be more certain in determining which category I fall into. Given a choice, I will prefer to be more extraverted.
Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S)14%
I had been a very practical and down-to-earth person back some times. But I was inspired to think about things in depth, and to become more curious about the world that we lived in. I also love inspirations and can almost find them anywhere.
Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50%
Well, I was inclined towards thinking because I thought that rules should come first before personal values, just like a teacher who must be unbiased and must punish her child in the same way in class when in wrong. But then, I was actually an emotional, sympathetic and forgiving person. But I also value facts and the truth. This leads me to consider both factors whatever I do. I will sacrifice neither one, I cannot bear to sacrifice either. But the bad thing is, this can also cause me to be very indecisive. Given a choice, I will still want to be like this.
Judging (J) 64% Perceiving (P) 36%
Though I can adapt to a different situation quickly, I still prefer a planned and structured life. I do not want to live in someone else's life.
My Views/Strategy/Action:
My Views
I think the ENTJ personality is too heartless though they are good leaders. What I like about ENTJ is that they are usually motivated, knowledgeable, self-confident, decisive, goals-directed and highly organised. Well, most of it is actually quite true for me but I am still trying to improve my personality. I must also admit that I have a strong desire to lead and sometimes I am also quite impatient with incompetency and did not care about other peoples' feelings and that is why being selfish or self-centred was one of my weaknesses, but I think I had improved quite a bit, considering that feelings now is also as important to me. Oh, I finally know myself deeper now.
My Strategy/Action
I should not be impatient with incompetency because I must respect everyone. Everyone has their own strong points and weaknesses. I should help them instead of despising them.
I will also enhance the strong points of ENTJ personality that I have. I need to be more confident, organised, more motivated, more decisive, improve my verbal communication skills and most importantly, I have to keep to my words and do what all the above that I had said.
Then MBTI Test- Descriptions (Part 1)
My personality type is ENTJ.
Extraverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50%
Intuitive (N) 86% Sensing (S) 14%
Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50%
Judging (J) 64% Perceiving (P) 36%
As you can see, I am 50% Extraverted/Introverted and 50% Thinking/Feeling, and that left me four options: ENTJ, ENFJ, INTJ, INFJ. Actually I have done it a couple of times for its consistency, but there was not much difference! (the result was always the same!) I was always torn between feeling and thinking because I considered them both for whatever I do. It is also hard to really differentiate whether I am an extraverted or introverted.
But nevermind, I shall take it as ENTJ. Actually, I personally feel that the test was quite accurate. I shall explain it later. But before that, I shall post the meaning and description of this result.
ENTJ- The Executives
ENTJs generally have the following traits:
-Driven to turn theories into plans
-Highly value knowledge
-Natural leaders
-Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence
-Want things structured and orderly
-Excellent verbal communication skills
-Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks
ENTJs are especially well-suited to be leaders and organization builders. They have the ability to clearly identify problems and innovative solutions for the short and long-term well-being of an organization. Having a strong desire to lead, they're not likely to be happy as followers. ENTJs like to be in charge, and need to be in charge to take advantage of their special capabilities.
The following list of professions is built on our impressions of careers which would be especially suitable for an ENTJ. It is meant to be a starting place, rather than an exhaustive list. There are no guarantees that any or all of the careers listed here would be appropriate for you, or that your best career match is among those listed.
Possible Career Paths for the ENTJ:
-Corporate Executive Officer; Organization Builder
-Computer Consultant
-Business Administrators and Managers
-University Professors and Administrators
ENTJ- The Fieldmarshals
Fieldmarshals are abstract, pragmatic, directive, and expressive. They tend to be highly skilled in situational organizing, directing their own actions and those of others. Their talent for contingency planning is a close second to their ability to coordinate, decide, and execute a strategy. Born engineers, they want to break an idea or concept into its most fundamental parts, subject those parts to intense scrutiny, and reassemble the idea before giving it their final approval. Their desire to ensure that an assessment is valid extends to their own work, and they will often seek the opinion of another trusted individual such as an Architect or an Inventor to refine their view of an issue, regardless of how sure they are.
Fieldmarshals have a strong desire to give structure and direction to groups of people. Of all the role variants, Fieldmarshals are the most likely to see where an organization is headed, and they want to communicate that vision to others. Thus they are more directive in their social exchanges than they are informative. Fieldmarshals often rise to positions of responsibility in work because they tend to be devoted to their jobs and are excellent administrators. Fieldmarshals do not actively seek out leadership responsibilities, but will often volunteer themselves to take charge in situations where leadership is absent or has failed, or where a power vacuum suddenly exists—not due to selfishness, but due to their innate desire to see a given system (be it social, political, workplace, or otherwise) continue to function until a suitable leader can be identified, who, in the mind of the Fieldmarshal, is as good at leadership as at background administration.
Fieldmarshals search more for goals and policy than they do for procedures and regulations. They strive to make their organization more efficient by reducing red tape, task redundancy, and confusion in the workplace. Fieldmarshals base their decisions on well thought-out plans, impersonal data, and overall probability of success. They expect others to follow their vision, and they are willing to remove stumbling blocks that prevent a given system (human or otherwise) from being fully productive. For Fieldmarshals, there must be a goal-directed reason for executing any plan. People’s emotions are generally considered secondary to raw data in any decision-making process.
Fieldmarshals are impatient with ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and the repetition of error. If an established procedure can be demonstrated to be ineffective at accomplishing a certain goal, they will abandon the procedure. Fieldmarshals keep long-term and short-term objectives in mind while striving to turn their organizations into smooth-functioning, empirically stable systems.
Here are the results of the Personality Type Assessment. If you are like most people, you will be impressed with how accurately these paragraphs describe you.
Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinker, Judger (ENTJ)ENTJs represent between 2 and 5% of the U.S. population.
Natural leaders with a hearty and frank style, ENTJs tend to take charge of any situation they find themselves in. They are good organizers of people because they have the ability to see ahead and then communicate their vision to others. Usually friendly and outgoing, ENTJs have a lot of energy, often speaking, thinking and moving quickly. Excellent strategic thinkers, they grasp new concepts quickly, even complicated or complex issues and they generally convey confidence. ENTJs often juggle several projects at once, and pride themselves on completing them all with skill and efficiency. Creative and innovative, most ENTJs enjoy developing high-level strategy and leading a team or organization towards implementation. Because ENTJs are so logical and analytical, they are usually good at anything that requires reasoning and intelligence. Driven to achieve competence in all they do, they can naturally spot the flaws that may exist in a situation and see immediately how to improve them.
ENTJs Tend To Be:
• Logical, objective & analytical decision-makers
• Quick to grasp complex issues & see the "big picture"
• Strategic visionaries; long-range planners
• Determined, priority-driven & hard-working with high standards
• Confident, natural leaders
• Highly directive; quick to take ownership over their projects
Career Satisfiers: All people are most satisfied and successful when using their natural talents in an environment that is consistent with their personality preferences and values. Research shows that ENTJs are most satisfied by jobs that provide the following:
• Long-range strategic planning assignments
• The opportunity to work on challenging, intellectual problems
• A place to interact with capable, interesting & influential people
• The opportunity to generate innovate approaches to a variety of problems
• Competitive environment where accomplishments are recognized
• The opportunity to set & meet goals in a timely & efficient manner
It's really quite accurate!
To Be Continued...
"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. "
-Audre Lorde
![]() The Executive You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others. Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise. Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow. You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence. In love, you hold high standards... for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other. While it's easy for you to impress others, it's hard for you to find someone who impresses you. At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals. You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant. How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective When other people don't get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing |
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Who Am I?
But Who Exactly Am I? Read on and it should have answered your question! This could be the most detailed description of myself ever written...
Describing Myself
3 adjectives to describe me: Enthusiastic, Optimistic and Ambitious
I described myself as an enthusiastic learner who continually strive to work hard and gain new skills, knowledge or ideas. I am very easily motivated and excited by things that had let me realised the benefits of it, and this is how I can be a very enthusiastic learner. It is also very hard for me to give up halfway as I will always persevered till I achieve my goals.
I see failures as indicators of the wrong strategies used and believe that anything is possible as long as I know what had gone wrong and reacted correctly.
I am positive and optimistic and believe that everything happens for a reason, a beneficial one. Even if it may be something unfortunate for you, if you look closer and deeper again, you may also realise that this seemingly bad situation can actually turn up good or even better. Meaning to say, for every detriments, there are benefits and vice versa and it all depends on how we look at it. Of course, we will react more positively and better if we look it in a right way, and that is seeing the benefits of any bad outcome or circumstances.
Yes! I am indeed very ambitious. I usually set high and inspiring goals at the start of a brand new year and carry this motivation throughout the entire year. I believe that nothing is impossible and with just the right strategy, you could achieve anything you want! But the bad thing is that if my conviction and positive belief is weak and shaky, I would lose my motivation which would happen to me sometimes...But at the same time, motivation can be created by yourself!
Definition Of My Motivations And Personality
My Motivations
Actually, I am motivated to be developed into a confident, expressive and witty leader/public-speaker/debater/communicator as well as a creative innovator/thinker/motivator because of... .... I don't know? I just want to be! Talking about my ambition, I aspired to become a successful entrepreneur/businesswoman/Sales Executive/lawyer/artist/future leader. Yeah, these are my ideal career options.
My Personality
I can be a very outspoken, enthusiastic, humourous, confident and affable person. But at other time, I can also be very quiet, dull, unsociable, shy, scared, lacking self-confident and detestable?. But I am definitely always motivated to learning new things! I am also constantly trying to improve and understand myself better.
Strengths And Weaknesses
What I like about myself is that I am persistent, motivated and optimistic which had allowed me to achieve things efficiently and effectively. I strive to even enhance these strengths. I also have good time management, I can cope well with stress and adapt to new situation quickly.
I have identified my 4 main weaknesses...
Actually... I think I do not know myself well... because I am not sure what are my exact weaknesses are. Of course, I definitely have weaknesses and I can name a few to you, but it's just that there are still a lot of them that I have not discovered that is very important and I also do not know whether my weaknesses are overcome. I just somehow feel this way? Alright, not understanding my weaknesses well is one of my weaknesses.
Usually, when questioned my weaknesses, I would say that I am selfish. But to what extent and whether it is true or not, I don't really know. I thought I had overcome it already but perhaps unbeknown to me, I may be showing some selfish acts. For example, in the midst of achieving my goals, I may have hurt your feelings and forget about your existence. without me realising it.
My third weakness is that I am afraid to lose out or simply 'kiasu'. Yeah, this is unquestionably true. But this is also one of my motivation for me to study hard, work hard and fight hard! Yeah fighting hard, also can be like fighting resolutely for items that are free! XP.
The fourth weakness is that I do not really know how to express myself in words that well and that accurate and correct which can cause misunderstanding if I fails to do so. Well, I am still trying to improve my language skills! Yeah also, when there are like too many ideas in my head, I will like do not know how to say them and went speechless for some times.
Likes And Dislikes, Interesting stuffs about myself
I love to make new friends and learn new things. I love music, dance, debate, Arts, playing on the piano and playing chess. My favourite sport is swimming and playing badminton although I am not a good player. I love debate, chess and knowing more things through searching the Internet because it can stimulate brain cells and keep me thinking and thinking because I like to think, just like why I like maths and science and perhaps humanities. I love music, arts and dance although I am not very good at it because of the unique ways of expressing the rich colours of emotions in each individual.
I also enjoy peaceful moment to reflect and think or simply gain new insights or inspirations.
I also like challengers because they are fun and exciting.
I HATE to waste time! Time is very precious and it flies quickly away, though you can see me wasting my own time occasionally XD! I want to invest the time wisely!
Interesting stuffs about me
I am easily inspired and can admire almost everybody. I am willing to learn from anyone regardless of who you are.
And to end with an inspiring quote:
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
-Helen Keller